My internship at DAE Studios consisted of a lot of smaller projects. Each taking around 2 weeks to complete. Half of these projects were meant as a learning experience the other half were for clients.
The projects that were created as a learning experience are listed here. I will go into more detail on each of them on what I contributed to each of the projects.
The internship itself also thought me a lot. For each project we worked in different teams with different people. So I learned how to work with a lot of different personalities, I learned how to communicate well in a team, keep track of and set up a planning, and a lot more soft skills that will help me out in a professional environment.
Spell Sketchers
The game idea
Spell Sketchers is a game where you have to draw spell symbols to be able to cast spells and launch them at the waves of incoming enemies. These spells have elemental properties and react with the elemental enemies.
My contribution
My main contribution was setting up the spell system, using a gesture recognition package I could recognize the shape the user drew and see if he had any unlocked spell with a similar enough shape. Once I knew if the drawn shape correlated to an unlocked spell I let the user tap on the screen to launch the spell at the enemies. When casting and launching the spells worked I also created all the elemental reactions for the game. I also worked on creating most of the functionality for the game UI.
Super Sized StandOff
The game idea
Super Sized Standoff is a game where you have to control a large mech by doing exercises in VR. You find yourself in the cockpit of a skyscraper tall mech. You need to use your training modules to move the limbs of your mech and fire its weapons.
My contribution
I created the VR training modules for the mech these allowed the player to interface with the rest of the mech. The mech itself consisted of multiple pieces the purpose for this was to make the mechs customizable but we did not have the time to make enough components (arms/legs/weapons) so we did not end up using this. I made this component-based system for our mechs.
Plague Ball
The game idea
Plague Ball is a 2v2 local multiplayer sports game. The goal is to take the ball and throw it into the goal of the enemy. You are encouraged to work well toghether with your teammate to be able to win the match. The main gimmick of the game is that the ball in our game is actually a creature and you have to catch it first.
My contribution
I created a simple creature AI; run from players, wander around, eat the bushes when hungry. This creature also changed the field during the game by eating and therefore removing all the bushes on the map. I also coded most of the player interactions with the creature allowing the creature to be picked up, let the player throw the creature, and more... . And as this was a longer project we did a playtesting week where we improved as many mechanics as possible some of the ones I changed was; how the player picks up the creature, making the creature spawn bushes instead of eat them, how the tackle worked, and many more minor changes.